
NAQT VANE發布第一張全曲專輯《Dispersion》

NAQT VANE於1月10日發布第一張全曲專輯《Dispersion》。

“Dispersion”的意義是寶石光芒的散射。不同的寶石散射強度不同,而鑽石因為其散射均衡而閃耀美麗。NAQT VANE對此的闡釋是“光的顏色而產生的折射率差異使光芒更加璀璨”“認同人各不相同,每個人都是獨一無二的,不同的個體匯聚在一起會產生極大而璀璨的光芒”。 - KOHA

NAQT VANE於1月10日發布第一張全曲專輯Dispersion》。

Dispersion”的意義是寶石光芒的散射。不同的寶石散射強度不同,而鑽石因為其散射均衡而閃耀美麗。NAQT VANE對此的闡釋是“光的顏色而產生的折射率差異使光芒更加璀璨”“認同人各不相同,每個人都是獨一無二的,不同的個體匯聚在一起會產生極大而璀璨的光芒”。

主打曲“puzzle”描述了在混沌和糾纏的狀態中,以自身力量解放自己的人的形象。獨特的旋律展現了僅出道一年半的時間就確立了的NAQT VANE的獨有的風格。在音樂錄像帶中,通過錯綜複雜的感情和事件,刻畫了在混亂中生存的人物。自我與他者、事件的混亂交織中,人們尋找自己的棲身之地和前進的方向。通過給人強烈印象的鏡頭角度和空間呈現,表現了即使在混沌中也努力解放自我的人們。

為慶祝這次專輯發行,特別活動“NAQT VANE Special Event -Dispersion -”將於5月11日(星期六)舉行。若有線上直播等活動海外粉絲也可以參與,請持續關注後續消息!

Japanese ensemble unit NAQT VANE have released their first full-length album, ‘Dispersion’, on Wednesday, January 10. The album title is a reference to the way that light is refracted through a gemstone. The strength to which light is dispersed varies depending on the type of jewel, and diamonds have a perfectly balanced dispersion that makes them shine so vividly. NAQT VANE’s message on ‘Dispersion’ is that just as each gem shines in its own way, a group of people who embrace their differences can unite to create a dazzling brilliance.

The lead track ‘puzzle’ expresses how we can use the power within ourselves to break free from confusion and chaos. The song’s strong melody line embodies the essential NAQT VANE-esque quality the group have already fostered, only a year and a half on from their debut.

The music video for ‘puzzle’ shows a person living in perpetual disarray, an endless cloud of coiled emotions and incidents. The self, other people, matter – all chaotically intertwined. Amid this turmoil, we search for where we belong and where we should go. The video makes impressive use of camera framing and space to show us one such person, who draws on something deep inside to free themselves from the clutches of chaos.

To celebrate the album release, the band will hold a concert in Japan titled NAQT VANE Special Event -Dispersion – on Saturday, May 11. A livestream that can be viewed from overseas is also under consideration, so keep an eye out for updates.

NAQT VANE於1月10日發布第一張全曲專輯《Dispersion》。

“Dispersion”的意義是寶石光芒的散射。不同的寶石散射強度不同,而鑽石因為其散射均衡而閃耀美麗。NAQT VANE對此的闡釋是“光的顏色而產生的折射率差異使光芒更加璀璨”“認同人各不相同,每個人都是獨一無二的,不同的個體匯聚在一起會產生極大而璀璨的光芒”。 - KOHA


“為鼓舞挑戰者們而創立的團隊計畫 ”

邀請從美國返國的主唱 Harukaze 參與此團隊計畫「NAQT VANE」。 計畫總監為澤野弘之。藝術總監由Classic6擔任。

2022年9月16日以數位單曲“Break Free”出道。




980 年於東京出生。身兼作曲家、音樂製作人、從多方面積極展開活動。


2009 年推出首張原創專輯《musica》。

在 2014 年啟動的 SawanoHiroyuki[nZk] 計畫中,


2019 年,在中國上海的梅賽德斯 – 奔馳文化中心舉辦個人演唱會, 吸引超過萬人觀眾進場,在世界舞台大放異彩。

因緣際會與主唱 Harukaze 結識後,於 2022 年 9 月啟動團隊計畫 NAQT VANE, 並擔任計畫總製作人的職務。



1998 年出生於北海道。15 歲時離開日本,在海外就讀高中與大學。

 期間接觸了不同的音樂文化,在洛杉磯的大學學習音樂經營管理的同時, 與透過音樂結識的人們一起展開音樂創作。

2021 年與澤野弘之結識後,加入 NAQT VANE

Classic 6|藝術指導





“A team project creating an uplifting tailwind to guide those with a challenger spirit.”

NAQT VANE is an ensemble project produced by Hiroyuki SAWANO. The group features vocalist Harukaze, who spent eight years living abroad before returning to Japan’s music scene, along with art collective Classic 6 who handle the group’s art direction. They made their debut on September 16, 2022 with the digital single ‘Break Free’.

The group breathe new air into their stories, freeing their true new selves.

Hiroyuki SAWANO|Overall Producer
Born in Tokyo in 1980, Hiroyuki SAWANO is a highly celebrated composer and producer, providing compositions for music artists, TV shows, anime and movies.

In 2014, he began the project SawanoHiroyuki[nZk], undertaking star collaborations with renowned artists such as Akihito Okano (Porno Graffitti), Sukima Switch, Aimer, Jean-Ken Johnny (MAN WITH A MISSION), Aina the End (BiSH), Yuuri, Taiiku Okazaki, ASKA, suis (Yorushika) and more.

In 2019, he held a solo performance at the Mercedes-Benz Arena in Shanghai, China, with an audience of more than 10,000 fans, marking his advance to the global stage.

After meeting vocalist Harukaze, he launched the team project NAQT VANE in September 2022, participating as overall producer. The group have been releasing original music in Japan and around the world.

Born in Hokkaido in 1998, Harukaze left Japan at age 15 to attend high school and college abroad. While studying Music Business in Los Angeles, she got a taste of a music culture that was different from what she’d experienced in Japan, and began to make music with people she met in the local scene. She became involved in NAQT VANE after meeting Hiroyuki SAWANO in 2021.

Classic 6|Art Direction
Classic 6 are a creative collective active in Japan and overseas. They undertake art direction and overall production for the fashion, art and music industries, including graphic design, video and venue production. With a focus on visual branding that emphasizes stories and concepts, they are constantly exploring new creative outlets as a collective across a wide range of genres.