
台北|免費展覽|十方藝術空間|『遇見心』Soulful Encounters: A Journey of Discovery

台北|免費展覽|十方藝術空間|『遇見心』Soulful Encounters: A Journey of Discovery


遇見心Soulful Encounters: A Journey of Discovery
▌地點:GALERIE OVO 十方藝術空間
▌參展藝術家:Gabriela Noelle González, 能尖日 (Nhozagri)
遇見心展覽藝術家心靈啟發創作的結晶,邀請觀眾深入探索藝術、自我與周遭世界之間的深層連結。本次展覽呈現了兩位充滿童心與創意的藝術家——來自佛羅里達州的Gabriela Noelle González與北京的Nhozagri的作品。這些作品超越了純粹的視覺體驗,引領觀眾反思身份、記憶及人類共通的情感。
▌Time:Wed – Sat 11:00 AM – 5:30 PM
▌Address: No. 51 Dehui Street, Zhongshan Dist. Taipei
▌Artist:Gabriela Noelle González, Nhozagri
Soulful Encounters: A Journey of Discovery” is an exhibition born from the artists’ deep spiritual inspiration, inviting the audience to explore profound connections between art, self, and the world around us. This exhibition presents works from two imaginative and child-hearted artists: Gabriela Noelle González from Florida and Nhozagri from Beijing. Their creations transcend mere visual experience, guiding the audience to reflect on themes of identity, memory, and shared human emotion.
We sincerely invite you to embark on this journey, pausing at each encounter to reconnect with the soulful essence that unites us all.


日期|2024.12.06 - 2024.12.21

時間|週三至週六 11:00 – 17:30

地點|GALERIE OVO 十方藝術空間
