黑潮雙人組 6XT7 眾望所歸 最新專輯 「 Die Together 」推出 其中翻唱了 BUCK-TICK 的經典名曲 並同時發表最新單曲MV「Bury Me 」

Artist Photo

在洛杉磯結成的Tasz和Lisa組成的Dark Pop雙人搖滾組合6XT7發行了他們的首張原創專輯「Die Together」。


Die Together流媒體鏈接



這次的專輯收錄了至今為止發行的單曲,以及崇敬的樂隊BUCK-TICK的名曲“惡之華”翻唱,和公開了MV的「Bury Me」,之外還有4首新曲。


一氣呵成的10首歌裡, 展現了6XT7一直以來獨特的曲風. 像是在黑色的夢世界裡, 閃爍穿出的一絲光芒. 也將6XT7出道以來的心境, 完整表達在作品之中.


Bury Me」的MV由指導過眾多音樂人的影像作品、演出照片、專輯封面的今井俊彥導演指導,在台北進行了拍攝。


Bury Me – Music Video



我想 世上最浪漫的事 就是能與你一起死去… 

經過了漫長的旅程 6XT7的第一張專輯 – Die Together- 終於要發行了! 

這張專輯的製作 橫跨了疫情前後的期間 

從第一首歌 Pierce 到最後一首歌 Die Together 充滿了我們世界裡 究極的浪漫生與死 

而其中我們能想到最浪漫的事 就是能伴著彼此… Die Together



New Album

Die Together

2023.10.6 Release


6XT7 profile

6XT7由TASZ與Lisa於美國洛杉磯組成 以暗黑流行的曲風串起了兩人的歌聲 2023年的登場單曲Pierce 目前於Spotify累積了480,000收聽 激烈厚重的Beats結合了迷幻唯美的聲線 相愛的兩人組在各式各樣的音樂風格中 融合穿梭 曲風橫跨alt-rock, alt-pop, trap-metal, goth, electro. 以他們獨特的風格 一點一滴地建立著兩人的音樂世界 

Official website: https://www.6xt7.com

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/6xt7_official/

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/6XT7OFFICIAL

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/6XT7LOVE

Twitter: https://twitter.com/6xt7love


Formed in Los Angeles by members TASZ and LISA, dark-pop duo 6XT7 have released their first original album, ‘Die Together’.


Die Together’ download and streaming links: https://avex.lnk.to/DieTogether


This full-length album collects 6XT7’s highly acclaimed singles alongside four brand-new songs, including a cover of Japanese band BUCK-TICK’s classic song ‘Aku no Hana’ and new original track ‘Bury Me’, whose music video was also released today. 

In this album, 6XT7 is working together with Howie808 again. 

The album expresses 6XT7’s view of the world, with the dark and ephemeral vibe that permeates each song shot through with a glimmer of light.


Bury Me’ music video is directed by Toshihiko Imai, who has worked with many musicians on video works, live photos and album covers. The shooting was held in Taipei.


Bury Me’ music video:


Comments from the members 


“The most romantic thing in the world that I can imagine is to Die Together with you… 

It’s been a very long journey, and we are finally releasing our first album – ‘Die Together’. 

We wrote this album crossing pre and post Covid time, from the first song Pierce’ to the last song ‘Die Together’. It’s our romantic way of living and dying. 

And it’s the most romantic thing in the world that we can imagine – to Die Together.”


New album

Die Together

Released October 6, 2023 


Download and streaming links: https://avex.lnk.to/DieTogether


6XT7 profile

6XT7 is a dark-pop duo formed in Los Angeles where TASZ & LISA met. Their single Pierce just hit 480,000 plays on Spotify. With heavy beats and hypnotic melody lines, these two lovers blend genres such as alt-rock, alt-pop, trap-metal, goth, and electro. Building their own unique world of music.


Official website: https://www.6xt7.com

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/6xt7_official/

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/6XT7OFFICIAL

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/6XT7LOVE

Twitter: https://twitter.com/6xt7love
