AiNA THE END發布最新歌曲「華奢な心(Diana)」 成為獨特情感敘事的主角

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11月28日AiNA THE END最新歌曲「華奢な心(Diana)」發布。

這首歌是同日在Netflix全世界獨家播出的真人秀系列《Love Like a K-Drama》(原名“韓国ドラマな恋がしたい”)的主題曲,AiNA THE END作詞作曲,Shingo Suzuki編曲。這首歌表達的不能坦率表達內心的傷感,是一首彷彿在向聽眾訴說心情的抒情曲。一定要留意聆聽AiNA THE END的獨特的用詞溫柔柔軟的歌聲。

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AiNA THE END “華奢な心(Diana)”


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此外電視動畫《藥師少女的獨語》的片尾曲“アイコトバ(The Spell)”也已上線流媒體平台。這首歌由Huwie Ishizak作詞作曲,由Tomi Yo編曲。這首歌的主題圍繞著離巢和畢業,描繪了在到達那一刻之前掙扎和不捨的感情,在這個過程中逐漸成熟的樣子,是一首十分能讓聽眾產生共鳴的抒情曲。Huwie Ishizak創作的歌詞和音樂的真實感與AiNA THE END獨特的表現力共鳴,絕對值得一聽。


AiNA THE END “アイコトバ(The Spell)”

Download & streaming links

Music Video


AiNA THE END2023年發行歌曲的現場現出影片於11月28日日本時間21時在官方YouTube頻道首次公開。除了“華奢な心(Diana)”和“アイコトバ(The Spell)”之外,還包括《機動戰士鋼彈 水星的魔女》第二季片尾主題曲“Red:birthmark”,以及同作品最終回的插曲“宝石の日々(irreplaceable days)”。

Studio Live影片

AiNA THE END – Room Session – “冬眠のない部屋”



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擁有與生俱來的沙啞嗓音和獨特的表現力,於2021年發布全部由自己作詞作曲的第一張專輯『THE END』,正式開始個人活動。


2022年她擔任了在日本首次上演的百老匯音樂劇《Janis》的主演,飾演Janis Joplin,在多方面展現她的才華。2023年6月,雖然令人惋惜,但是所在組合BiSH宣布解散,目前正在以solo歌手身分進行活動。


她參與了很多電視動畫的合作曲,包括《機動戰士鋼彈 水星的魔女》第二季片尾主題曲“Red:birthmark”,同部電視動畫插曲“宝石の日々(irreplaceable days)”,以及電視動畫《藥師少女的獨語片尾主題曲“アイコトバ(The Spell)”。


她還在2023年10月13日上映的岩井俊二導演的電影《祈憐之歌 (キリエのうた)》中首次擔任電影主演,在影評中演唱了自己創作的歌曲,於10月18日以電影中飾演的角色名字“Kyrie”發布了專輯《DEBUT》。

Japanese artist AiNA THE END released her new single ‘Diana’ on November 28. The track was written as the theme song for the reality series ‘Love Like a K-Drama’, which began streaming exclusively on Netflix globally the same day. The music and lyrics were composed by AiNA THE END, with arrangement by Shingo Suzuki. It is a heartrending ballad that expresses the frustration of failing to be sincere, intensified by AiNA THE END’s perfect choice of lyrics and her soft singing voice.

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AiNA THE END ‘Diana’

Download and streaming links:

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In addition, her song ‘The Spell’, which was used as the ending theme song to the anime series ‘The Apothecary Diaries’, is also out now. The music and lyrics were composed by Ishizaki Huwie, and the song was arranged by Tomi Yo. The song’s main themes are leaving the nest and growing up, recounting the countless struggles and attachments that lead to that point – a power ballad that touches your heart as it depicts the evolution to adulthood. AiNA THE END’s creative expressive power resonates perfectly with the authentic realism of Ishizaki Huwie’s lyrics and music.

AiNA THE END ‘The Spell’

Download and streaming links:

Music video:


At 9pm Japan Standard Time on November 28, a studio live video featuring performances of her songs released in 2023 premiered on AiNA THE END’s official YouTube channel. In addition to ‘Diana’ and ‘The Spell’, she also sang ‘Red:birthmark’, the ending theme song from Season 2 of ‘Mobile Suit Gundam THE WITCH FROM MERCURY’, as well as ‘irreplaceable days’, which was featured in the anime series’ final episode.

Studio live performance video:



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With her natural husky voice and unique sense of expression, AiNA THE END began her solo career in 2021 with the release of her first album ‘THE END’, for which she composed all of the music and lyrics herself.

In 2022, she played the lead role of Janis Joplin in the first ever Japanese adaptation of the Broadway musical ‘A Night with Janis Joplin’, showcasing a new side to her diverse talents.

In June 2023, the group BiSH (of which she was a member) sadly disbanded; AiNA THE END has pursued her solo career exclusively since then.

Her song ‘Red:birthmark’ was used as the ending theme song for Season 2 of ‘Mobile Suit Gundam THE WITCH FROM MERCURY’, while her song ‘irreplaceable days’ was featured in the anime series’ final episode. Her song ‘The Spell’ was used as the ending theme song to the anime series ‘The Apothecary Diaries’.

On October 13, 2023, she played her first big-screen leading role in the movie ‘Kyrie’, directed by Shunji Iwai; she also wrote the lyrics and music that her character Kyrie sings in the film. On October 18, she released the album ‘DEBUT’ as her character Kyrie.
