日本唱跳團體BALLISTIK BOYZ成員作詞作曲新歌“HIGHER EX” Music Video公開


日本7人組唱跳團體BALLISTIK BOYZ發布新單曲專輯,主打歌HIGHER EX的Music Video也已公開!

這首歌是首次由成員作詞作曲的飽含誠意的作品,強烈的曲風表現了向著更高的目標進化的覺悟。Music Video是在日本的著名景點“築地本願寺”拍攝,影像完美傳達了歌曲名所包涵的“HIGHER (向著更高處)”的主題。眩目的場景變換和BALLISTIK BOYZ具有進攻性的舞蹈動作,傳達出帶著覺悟的成員們的熱血沸騰。

除了主打曲“HIGHER EX”外,表達“平時不經常說出口的對身邊人的感謝”的抒情曲“good day good night”,以及將單戀初期的心動以娓娓道來的Rap表現的成員作詞作曲的“マーメイド(美人魚)”兩首收錄曲也上線流媒體。

Japanese boyband BALLISTIK BOYZ have released the music video for ‘HIGHER EX’, the title song from their latest single release.

This is the first title track written by the members of BALLISTIK BOYZ themselves – a powerful song that expresses their determination to keep evolving, aiming for ever greater heights.

The stunning music video was filmed on location at Japan’s iconic Tsukiji Hongwanji temple, and as the title suggests, it has a theme of going ever “higher”. Check out the video to see the members of BALLISTIK BOYZ dancing against a variety of rapidly changing backdrops, looking fierce in their passion, firm in their determination and aggressive in their dance moves.

In addition to the title track, the ‘HIGHER EX’ streaming single also includes two more new songs: ballad ‘good day good night’, in which the group sing of their gratitude toward a lover that they can never quite express; and ‘Mermaid’, a rap song about the early stages of unrequited love that was also written by the group members.
