
FEMM thumb nail FIX2 1


主打歌曲「CHERRY on TOP」(朝日電視台節目《Freestyle日本統一》主題曲)以強力的女性形象為主題,盡顯從2010年代就作為女性饒舌歌手先驅的風采。

與此同時公開的MV中,FEMM穿著歷代標誌性的服裝。影片呈現了仿照代表曲「Fxxk Boyz Get Money」Twerk的編舞,對熱門歌曲「Kill the DJ」的模仿與懷念,還包括了可以稱之為她們的出發點的能代表東京文化的地點,將她們至今為止的歷史囊括其中。


FEMM thumb nail FIX2 1




RiRi所演唱的「Living in the Spotlight」描寫了堅強和脆弱的兩面性,展現了她多彩的個性。LuLa演唱的「Butterfly to the Moon」表達了對Agent(FEMM粉絲暱稱)的感謝,並講述堅守和擁抱心中重要的東西不斷成長的故事。

此外還包括描繪在困難和悲傷的時刻照耀希望如陽光般照射進來的歌曲「SUN」,以及將FEMM的經典曲目以全新風格呈現的混音版「We Flood the Night(MYLK Remix)」共5首歌曲收錄。

在海外擁有眾多粉絲的FEMM在5月出演了在波蘭舉辦的「Magnificon Expo」,實現了首次在波蘭演出,7月在英國最大的日本文化活動「Hyper Japan」壓軸出演,之後還出演了德國的「Geek Festival」和美國的Anime Weekend Atlanta」。此外還發表了將出演11月30日到12月1日在沙烏地阿拉伯舉行「Comic Con Arabia」,活躍在世界各地。


數位EPCHERRY」2023/11/15 發布



1. CHERRY on TOP(朝日電視台節目《Freestyle日本統一》主題曲)

2. Living in the Spotlight

3. Butterfly to the Moon

4. SUN

5. We Flood the Night (MYLK Remix) 

As a closure to their 10-year career, Japanese mannequin duo FEMM release their last EPCHERRY” on November 15.

In the music video for the lead track “CHERRY on TOP,” they wear iconic costumes from their past. The video reminds us of their whole history, like the twerking choreography from their signature song “Fxxk Boyz Get Money,” and an homage of fan-favorite track “Kill the DJ.” 

They also appear at iconic Tokyo locations where the origin of FEMM first began.

By revisiting these scenes that are uniquely FEMM, the video offers a poignant final curtain call that will touch your heart.




The EP also includes each member’s first ever solos.


RiRi sings “Living in the Spotlight,” which is strong and vulnerable at the same time. It can really illuminate her colorful character. Meanwhile, LuLa’s “Butterfly to the Moon” shows gratitude to FEMM agents (fans), while embracing her past and still try to move on to a new future.


Other songs are “SUN,” which lightens our darkest hour, and “We Flood the Night (MYLK Remix),” a rerub of a classic FEMM track with a new touch.


FEMM has been traveling worldwide to deliver their songs and messages to their agents. This year began by performing in Poland at “Magnificon Expo,” followed by a headline performance at “Hyper Japan,” UK’s largest Japanese-culture festival. Then flew to Germany’s “Geek Festival” and “Anime Weekend Atlanta” in the United States. FEMM will also appear at “Comic Con Arabia,” which will be held in Saudi Arabia from November 30 to December 1, as they make one last farewell lap of the world.

Digital EPCHERRY” released on November 15th, 2023

Download and streaming: https://femm.lnk.to/1115CHERRY

Track list:

1.CHERRY (theme song for rap-battle series “Freestyle Nippon Toitsu”)

2. Living in the Spotlight

3. Butterfly to the Moon

4. SUN

5. We Flood the Night (MYLK Remix) 
