FEMM以親手製作的MV “We Flood the Night (MYLK Remix)”回顧她們走過的十年


日本人體模型二人組FEMM於12月4日發布了她們的Music Video “We Flood the Night (MYLK Remix)”,這首歌收錄在她們的最後一張EPCHERRY’’中。







歌曲 “We Flood the Night ”是她們幾乎每場都會表演的開場曲,該曲於2014年發行。長年的合作夥伴、倫敦的音樂製作人MYLK為這首歌製作了混音,創造了全新的氛圍。將她們的第一首開場曲的混音版本作為最後一首歌曲,讓人百感交集。




Japanese mannequin duo FEMM have dropped their music video “We Flood the Night (MYLK

Remix)’’ from their last EPCHERRY’’ on Dec 4th.

Since they are disbanding at the end of 2023, this was a surprise to their fans and it must have

became an early Xmas present for them.

This music video is made by one of the FEMM members RiRi, and it showcases a collage of

their back scenes of 10 years of career.

Since they are “flawless mannequins,” they have never shown their REAL sides in the making,

especially in the early years. These footages were filmed by themselves and close staff

throughout the years, and it really shows dignity.

The track “We Flood the Night” is their opening song for almost every performance, and was

released in 2014. Long years collaborator and an iconic music producer MYLK based in

London has made a remix for this song, and made a completely new vibe.

To make their first opening song into their last as a remix, gives us another emotional feel.

They will perform two last shows in December. One on the 16th in London “FEMM-Isation,”

and the other in Tokyo “HIMM & FEMM.”



在“We Flood the Night (MYLK Remix)”的MV中,我試圖盡可能地展示過去10年的點點滴滴。






Comment from RiRi

“In the MV for “We Flood the Night (MYLK Remix),” I tried to pack in as much as possible from

the past 10 years. We only wanted to show our agents (fans) our perfect mannequin side

throughout the years, and did not show behind the scenes, but I thought now is the time.

During the editing process, I watched a lot of footages, and my heart was filled with memories

of those days. Please keep it in your heart forever like an album of memories.

Thank you very much for the past 10 years.”


We Flood the Night (MYLK Remix) MV


『Last FEMM-Isation』

日期: December 16th, 2023

場館: The Lower Third (London)

下午場: https://link.dice.fm/Q2874d426e29

夜場: https://link.dice.fm/gafa1aeb6fcb

JPU official site:



『Last FEMM-Isation』Date: December 16th, 2023

Venue: The Lower Third (London)

Afternoon performance: https://link.dice.fm/Q2874d426e29

Night performance: https://link.dice.fm/gafa1aeb6fcb

JPU official site:



FEMM是有自我意識的兩個人體模型組成的RiRi和LuLa組成的女性饒舌二人組。她們的首張專輯《FEMM-Isation》在美國Billboard“World Album”排行榜進入TOP10。在英國HMV全店鋪評選為“最佳獨立專輯”。他們早早將Y2K風格的流行朋克融入歌曲“We Got Each Other”,在美國主要廣播電台“Mediabase Activator Chart”連續12週入榜。2023年迎來活動10週年的她們,宣布將在年底停止活動。


Japanese mannequin duo FEMM comprises sentient mannequins RiRi

and LuLa. Their first album “FEMM-Isation“ entered the Top 10 of

Billboard’s World Albums Chart and was featured in the Best Indie

Albums section at HMV stores across Britain, while their pioneering

90s-pop-punk-infused track “We Got Each Other” ranked on the

influential Media base Activator Chart in the United States for 12

consecutive weeks. FEMM have announced their disbanding at the end

of 2023, which is their 10th anniversary.


Falling For A Lullaby (Music Video)


Crystal Ball (Music Video)
