FEMM為粉絲獻上聖誕節驚喜禮物:RiRi個人單曲“Living in the Spotlight”音樂錄影帶發布




FEMM成員RiRi的首支個人單曲“Living in the Spotlight”音樂錄影帶在12月26日發布。這首歌曲收錄在她們11月15日發行的最後一張EP《CHERRY》中。


這隻音樂錄像帶由RiRi本人執導並剪輯,通過這隻音樂錄影帶直接向觀眾她的感情。在影片中她展示了自己作為人體模特和真實身份“Emily Kaiho的兩面。影片表達了她擁抱自己的兩個身分並繼續踏上新的旅程。

FEMM在2023年尾聲掀起了一場風暴。她們從波蘭的演出開始,接連參加了英國、德國、美國和沙特阿拉伯的音樂節,之後在12月在倫敦舉辦了最後一場海外公演 “Last FEMM-Isation” ,在東京與東京最大的LDGBTQ+組織“fancyHIM” 合作舉辦了名為 “HIMM&FEMM”的最後一場演出。

FEMM member RiRi’s first solo MV “Living in the Spotlight” was dropped on Dec 26th. This song was included in their last EP “CHERRY,” which was released on Nov 15th.

RiRi directed and edited this MV herself, and it really shows that she wanted to express her feelings directly to agents. In the video, she showed herself both as a mannequin and also as her human self as Emily Kaiho. From this, we can see that she is embracing her two personas and will proceed with her journey.

FEMM took their final year 2023 by storm. They opened with their Poland performance, and then appeared at major festivals in the UK, Germany, US, and Saudi Arabia. Finally in December they had their last oversea concert “Last FEMM-Isation” in London, and final concert “HIMM&FEMM” in Tokyo with the collaboration with Tokyo’s largest LGBTQ+ organization “fancyHIM.”


“大家已經看過我的個人音樂錄影帶《Living in the Spotlight》了嗎?從創作這首歌的過程中,我一直有一個願景,那就是希望通過這隻音樂錄像帶百分之百地展現真正的我。歌曲一開始像是一首沈穩的畢業歌,厚繭變得越來越激烈,也充滿脆弱。我很受情感的控制,有時甚至會變得混亂不堪,或許agents(粉絲名)也會和我有同樣的感受。“


【Message from RiRi

“Did you watch my solo MV ‘Living in the Spotlight’ already? Since the process of making this song, I always had a vision that it had to be 100% me. In the beginning it feels like a settle graduation song, but it gets pretty aggressive and also fragile. Emotions can easily get messy with me, and chaotic sometimes, but maybe you agents are the same too.

It was the first time that I did the whole thing, from brainstorming to direction and editing. It really has all my DNA in there. I hope you accept by surprise Christmas present to you.”

Living in the Spotlight artist

 Living in the Spotlight 音樂錄像帶
