





此外,日本時間2024年4月1日21點會舉辦須田景凪本人參與的Online Listening Party,聽眾們能在可以實時評論留言的現場空間中,一邊聽Digital Single‘April’,一邊聽須田景凪的聲音直播。

這次的Online Listening Partym面向Apple Music和Spotify的高級會員,需要使用IOS或Android設備上的Stationhead軟體。


Keina Suda has released his latest song, ‘April’. The song features on the commercial for d Anime Store, which was released on March 23, 2024. ‘April’ is a refreshing tune alive with the colors of spring, a mid/up-tempo song that vividly captures Suda’s feelings of yearning for a new phase of life to begin.

April’ download and streaming links:


To celebrate the release of ‘April’, an online listening party will be held from 21:00 Japan Standard Time on April 1, 2024 – with Suda himself in attendance! In this online space, fans can chat in real time and enjoy ‘April’ together, while listening to Suda speaking in person.

The listening party is available for premium members of Apple Music and Spotify, and requires use of the Stationhead app on iOS and Android devices. For further details in Japanese, visit Suda’s official website.

須田景凪簡介 Keina Suda profile 

Untitled 1

2013年開始以“ Balloon”為名在Niconico動畫上開始VOCALOID活動。代表曲‘Charles ’(シャルル)加上本人的改編翻唱版本在YouTube上播放量已經超過1億次在JOYSOUND2017發售曲年度卡拉OK綜合榜上獲得第一名,各年代卡拉OK榜10代部門連續三年獲得第一名,是成為現代年輕人的時代代表曲的大熱歌曲。

2017年10月開始以“須田景凪”的名字以自己的聲音進行歌手活動。2021年2月發行第一張主流出道專輯《Billow》,獲得Oricon排行第7名。2023年發行第二張專輯《Ghost Pop》,其中收錄了以Avogado6(アボガド6)創作的動畫和實景視頻融合的MV引起熱議的‘Darling’,電視動畫主題曲‘Mellow’等。


Keina Suda began his career as a Vocaloid producer on Japanese video-sharing site Niconico, under the name Balloon. His hit song ‘Charles’ and his own self-cover of the same song have been played more than 100 million times on YouTube; the song ranked No.1 on karaoke platform JOYSOUND’s overall chart of songs released in 2017, and No.1 for three years running on JOYSOUND’s per-age-group ranking and teen category, capturing the zeitgeist for today’s youth.

In October 2017, he began recording songs featuring his own singing voice as Keina Suda. In February 2021, his first major-label full-length album ‘Billow’ was released, ranking at No.7 on Japan’s Oricon weekly chart. In 2023, he released his second full-length album, ‘Ghost Pop’, which included songs such as ‘Darling’, whose video by Avogado6 combining animation and live action became a hot topic, and ‘Mellow’, which was used as the theme song for an anime series.

Handling the lyrics, music and arrangements for all of his songs himself, and producing, recording and even releasing his tracks from home, Keina Suda makes the ultimate bedroom pop music, winning fans among young people the world over.
