
後藤真希迎來出道第25週年 時隔13年發布粉絲們期待已久的新專輯《prAyer》

後藤真希迎來出道第25週年 時隔13年發布粉絲們期待已久的新專輯《prAyer》 - Each day is a KOHA


時隔13數字發布粉絲期待已久的新曲CLAP CLAP”,並於94日發布全新原創迷你專輯《prAyer》



專輯概念也從標題“prAyer”(祈禱中展現出既堅韌又細膩的理描寫,甚至延伸到人生觀,在每首歌曲中表達現在以及未來的後藤真希的自我音樂風格也不執著於過去,嘗試融合不同風格交織的音樂也有單曲CLAP CLAP”所表的偶像的抓耳旋律  ,使得這部作品更加充滿力量,展現了後藤真希成長進化

2024 marks the 25th anniversary of J-pop star MAKI GOTO’s CD debut, and she has been announcing a number of anniversary projects to mark the occasion. Following the digital release of GOTO’s long-awaited new singleCLAP CLAP’ – her first in around 13 years – she has now released a completely original mini-album, ‘prAyer’, on September 4.

‘prAyer’ is GOTO’s first long-play release since her digital covers album released two years ago, and her first all-new original work since 2011. This mini-album, which contains seven songs, marks the full-fledged return of MAKI GOTO on her 25th anniversary year, and is sure to thrill fans old and new.

From the album title ‘prAyer’ to the strong yet delicate psychological lyrics and GOTO’s own outlook on life, she sings beautifully about her experiences past and future. While incorporating a new approach to her sound that mixes multiple genres without clinging to the past, it is an ambitious album that shows she has evolved to something more powerful than the catchy sound of her idol days, as showcased by the singleCLAP CLAP’.



關於後藤真希(GOTO MAKI)

後藤真希迎來出道第25週年 時隔13年發布粉絲們期待已久的新專輯《prAyer》 - Each day is a KOHA

出生於1985923日,東京人。在歌手YouTube直播模特等各個領域活1999在早安少女組追加選秀中合格,作為3成員假如組合加入後發布的“LOVEマシーン”(機器)達成百萬銷量2001單曲のバカやろう”(笨蛋作為個人歌手出道。2007從“Hello!Project”畢業,2008簽約新事務所。2009發行“SWEEET BLACK feat.MAKI GOTO”。她還在YouTube上通過“GOMAKI的公會”進行遊戲直播,通過““GOMAKI和OUKI☆”分享生活方式美容息,贏得了各方支持20249迎來出道25週的她,將展開紀念擔任演唱會巡演

MAKI GOTO was born on September 23, 1985, in Tokyo. Over the course of her career, she has been a successful singer, YouTuber and model. She joined the legendary J-pop idol group Morning Musume as a third-generation member after passing their second supplementary audition in 1999. After she joined, the group’s singleLOVE Machine’ was released, selling over a million copies. In 2001, she made her solo debut with the single ‘Ai no Bakayarou’. She graduated from the Hello! Project collective in 2007 and joined a new agency in 2008. After this, she released ‘SWEET BLACK feat. MAKI GOTO’ in 2009. On YouTube, GOTO’s channels include Gomaki no Guild, which focuses on video game “let’s plays”, and Gomaki to Ouki☆, which provides lifestyle and beauty information, with both channels drawing a large number of subscribers and viewers. In September 2024, she will hold a special solo live tour to celebrate her 25th anniversary.

Source: Avex