台北展覽|涅普頓畫廊|56億7000万年の小休止 赤穗進個展



涅普頓畫廊很榮幸將在2024年初夏,推出來自日本的雕刻藝術家赤穗進在台灣的首次個展『56億7000万年の小休止 – 赤穗進個展』,於涅普頓畫廊3樓 Show Box空間呈現。赤穗進2016年畢業於東京藝術大學雕刻研究所,爾後在東京、京都、神奈川和台北陸續舉辦個展、聯展和參與藝術博覽會。赤穗進的藝術多聚焦於木雕,另外藝術家在繪畫、水墨、攝影、裝置藝術等領域深入,具備強大的視覺美學思維。赤穗進首次在台灣的個展,將呈現藝術家長期一貫透過木雕、古董雕塑碎片及金箔為主體,並以古典雕刻技法表現異材質的當代現成物,形成強烈對比的視覺衝突,透過顛覆人們對於物理的認知,詮釋新的世界觀與秩序。以當代藝術為媒介,復甦、喚醒世人對傳統文化的尊重與認同。個展期間為6月22日(星期六)至8月11日(星期日),開幕茶會將舉行於6月22日(星期六)下午2:30,我們誠摯邀請您的蒞臨。



Neptune Gallery is honored to present the first solo exhibition in Taiwan by Japanese sculptor Susumu Ako, titled “56億7000万年の小休止 – Susumu Ako Solo Exhibition,” in early summer 2024. The exhibition will be presented in the Show Box space on the 3rd floor of Neptune Gallery. Susumu Ako graduated from the Sculpture Department of Tokyo University of the Arts in 2016. Since then, he has held solo and group exhibitions, and participated in art fairs in Tokyo, Kyoto, Kanagawa, and Taipei. Ako’s art primarily focuses on wood sculpture, but he also delves into painting, ink, photography, and installation art, showcasing a strong visual aesthetic sensibility. In his first solo exhibition in Taiwan, Ako will present works that consistently use wood, fragments of antique sculptures and gold leaf as the main mediums. By employing classical carving techniques to depict contemporary ready-made objects with different materials, Ako creates a striking visual contrast. This approach subverts people’s perceptions of physics, interpreting a new worldview and order. Through contemporary art, the exhibition aims to revive and awaken respect and recognition for traditional culture. The exhibition will run from Saturday, June 22, to Sunday, August 11. The opening tea party will be held on Saturday, June 22, at 2:30 PM. We sincerely invite you to attend.

The Japanese title of the exhibition is “56億7000万年の小休止,” which translates to “5.67 Billion Years of Intermission” in English.” Reflecting the themes and values that Susumu Ako has long been concerned with. The explosive development of the contemporary internet, technology, and information has catalyzed changes in worldviews and the rapid, frequent replacement of cultural elements. However, despite the convenience brought by technology, human lifestyles and concepts have gradually lost their diversity, becoming unified, monotonous, and dull. While globalization has indeed made international interactions increasingly close and rich, it has also, invisibly, led to a gradual loss of preservation and focus on local and intrinsic values, particularly in the realms of traditional culture and art.

However, the solo exhibition “5.67 Billion Years of Intermission” is not only a medium for Susumu Ako to evoke respect for traditional spirit through his works, but also a contemporary experiment for future observation. The artist aims to create works that will endure for hundreds, even thousands of years. By using the most universal and commonplace symbols of the contemporary world, such as a can of a famous soda, a box of the global shipping service, or smartwatches, juxtaposed with elements like lotuses growing out of them or hanging on a chamber pot, Ako adds a touch of ironic humor. This approach aims to observe the transformation and alienation of universal values. In hundreds, thousands, or even tens of thousands of years, these artworks may merge with ready-made objects, potentially leading to slight revisions of history. The world as we know it may no longer be recognizable.


日期|2024.06.22 – 2024.08.11


地點|涅普頓畫廊 3F






