香港展覽|大雋藝術 RICHART|ART CENTRAL 2024 / Booth C24

special 5608


大雋藝術將首度參展ART CENTRAL,2024年 「CHUNG DIM 中點」展區以《夢的碎片》(A piece of Dream)作為策展主軸,佛洛伊德曾言:「夢境是通往潛意識的道路。」,夢是願望實現的表達,潛藏生命的本能慾望,作為表現意識的媒介,夢可謂藝術創作的本質。夢中的每個部分都是代表著部分自我的投射,透過藝術家的創造,從個人的神話到民族的大夢,藝術指明了一條從幻想回到現實的途徑(A path back from fantasy to reality),遂成為全體人類心靈抒發的出口。

展覽整體關係將由外圍展牆羅列Johannes Holt Iversen(1989-)與Zdenek Konvalina(1979-)的碎形、有機型態抽象創作破題,將夢中無法凝定的原始直覺躍上現實維度。內部空間藉蔡尉成(1971-)與林俊彬(1981-)引用並重組東方文本的具象雕塑進行串連,具體而微地展現華夏文明的精神遺傳,此外展區特別呈獻白田誉主也(1984-)近四米巨作《東方祭典錄-猿馬篇-》,通過五位藝術家的觀照角度,逐步撿拾不同經驗感召與歷史記憶的碎片,帶領觀者領略他們的「同床異夢」。

Rich Art Gallery makes its debut at ART CENTRAL in 2024, featuring the exhibition in the “CHUNG DIM” zone with “A piece of Dream” as the central theme. Freud once said dreams are “the royal road to a knowledge of the unconscious activities of the mind. ” Dreams are not merely the manifestation of fulfilling desires but also reservoirs of life’s primal urges. As a medium for manifesting consciousness, dreams encapsulate the essence of artistic creation. Each segment of a dream projects a fragment of the self. Through the creative lens of artists, we traverse from personal myths to collective ethnic aspirations. Art outlines a path back from fantasy to reality, offering a collective emotional and psychological outlet for humanity.

The exhibition showcases the fragmented, organic, but abstract works of Johannes Holt Iversen (b.1989) and Zdenek Konvalina (b.1979), articulating the indescribable, primal intuitions of dreams into the realm of reality. As visitors journey further into the space, they encounter figurative sculptures by Tsai Wei-Cheng (b.1971) and Lin Chun-Pin (b.1981), which reference and reassemble Eastern texts, subtly manifesting the spiritual lineage of Chinese civilization. This time, in our exhibit space in Art Central, we specially present a nearly four-meter masterpiece titled “Eastern Festival Chronicles – The Chapter of Monkey and Horse” by Japanese artist Hakuta Yoshuya. Through the multi-faceted lenses of these five artists, fragments of varied experiences and historical memories are carefully retrieved, inviting viewers to navigate a dreamscape that is both collectively shared and exquisitely individual.


日期|2024.03.28 – 2024.03.31


03.28(四)12:00- 17:00 ; Night Central 15:00 –  21:00

03.29(五)12:00 – 18:00

03.30(六)11:00 – 19:00

03.31(日)11:00 – 17:00







