KOHA 展覽|臺灣當代文化實驗場C-LAB《美國LIC Culture Lab × 臺灣當代文化實驗場推出展覽「創世熱」 以藝術對當代社會提出反思》

Fever Genesis image courtesy of C LAB

美國LIC Culture Lab × 臺灣當代文化實驗場(C-LAB)推出的展覽「創世熱」,將於7月8日開幕,於美國紐約LIC Culture Lab展出6位臺灣藝術家的當代藝術創作,藝術家分別透過各自的藝術語境,反映對當代社會的反思與啟發。

展覽名為「創世熱」,靈感源自人類對「造物」和「創作」的起源探索,以及對技術史和藝術追求的熱情與不斷嘗試。這次展覽也作為思考及行動的共創平台,展出的作品探討人類的創造力、科技、環境、社會與文化等多重議題。觀眾透過展覽可以重新思考人類世以降,科技、藝術和社會在過去、現在和未來之間的多元關係,進而對當前社會和國際消費主義下的不確定因素和跨國企業ESG(環境Environmental 、社會Social 和公司治理Governance )等倡議產生共鳴。



本展覽獲得文化部及紐約臺北文化中心的全力支持,展期自7月6日至30日於美國LIC Culture Lab展出,能在這個具有多元與開放文化氛圍的場所展出,別具意義。7月8日開幕日也預計舉行藝術家座談會,並特地邀請獨立策展人李彥儀一同與談,期盼透過專業視角及互相交流,為紐約觀眾提供這個能更直接了解藝術家作品的難得機會,歡迎各界於展期間前來體驗臺灣當代多元文化的創作內容。

策展人|吳達坤 WU Dar-Kuen

參展藝術家|李亦凡 LI Yi-Fan、胡農欣 HU Nung-Hsin、林子桓 LIN Tzu-Huan、吳家昀 WU Chia-Yun、吳其育 WU Chi-Yu、張立人 CHANG Li-Ren


The exhibition Fever Genesis launched by LIC Culture Lab (U.S.) and Taiwan Contemporary Culture Lab (C-LAB) will present contemporary artworks from six Taiwanese artists at LIC Culture Lab, New York, through which the artists attempt to demonstrate their consideration and inspiration for current society through varied means of artistic expression. The opening reception of the exhibition will be on July 8.

The exhibition title Fever Genesis comes from human beings’ exploration of the origins of “creation” and their enthusiasm and efforts for arts and techniques. As a co-creation platform for thinking and acting, the exhibition also investigates issues including technology, environment, society, culture and humankind’s creativity. Audiences are invited to contemplate the diverse relationships among technology, art and society from past to present to future in Anthropocene, further relating themselves to the risky elements existing in contemporary society and International Consumerism as well as environmental, social and governance advocacies.

The works of Fever Genesis include LI Yi-Fan’s howdoyouturnthison, which changes the creation process and presents intuitive narrative images through virtual post production; HU Nung-Hsin’s Touching the Rumble of Melting, a poetic installation combining images of icebergs with rays and sound waves triggered by the 16 mm films as a metaphor for the fragile ecosystem in arctic circle; Hypothesis Voyager by LIN Tzu-Huan, a ritualistic installation in which cameras serve as a medium for viewers to travel through time; WU Chia-Yun’s Islands of Disappearing, observing and representing the cityscape of New York as an indispensable characteristic; Hominins by WU Chi-Yu, which is inspired by the prehistoric cave painting on Sulawesi and brings audiences to go through the processes of species evolution; and CHANG Li-Ren’s series of Battle City, video animations made over ten years and demonstrating a grand parallel universe with microcosmic politics, which will be displayed at the theatre.

C-LAB has been devoted itself to the mutual development of contemporary art and technology media, promoting communication and exchange between artists and audiences through international collaboration, exhibitions, workshops and seminars. The exhibition Fever Genesis is also a milestone for the cultural exchange between Taiwan and abroad, elevating the visibility and influence of Taiwan contemporary art on the international stage.

This exhibition is fully supported by the Ministry of Culture and Taipei Cultural Center in New York, open on July 6-30 at LIC Culture Lab (U.S.), a venue where features inclusiveness and diversity. On the day of opening reception (July 8), a forum will also be held with the independent curator Yenyi LEE to participate as the panelist for audiences in New York to interact with the artists. All are welcome to experience the works created in the environment of Taiwan’s various contemporary culture during the exhibition period.

▸▸Curator|WU Dar-Kuen 吳達坤

▸▸Participating Artists

LI Yi-Fan 李亦凡

HU Nung-Hsin 胡農欣

LIN Tzu-Huan 林子桓

WU Chia-Yun 吳家昀

WU Chi-Yu 吳其育

CHANG Li-Ren 張立人



日期|2023.07.06 (Thu.) – 07.30 (Sun.)  週四、五17:00-21:00,週六、日14:00-21:00

Opening Time|2023.07.06 (Thu.) – 07.30 (Sun.) Thursday to Friday 17:00-21:00; Saturday to Sunday 14:00-21:00

地點|  Culture Lab LIC-展覽室2-3、劇院(5-25 46th Avenue, Long Island City, New York, NY 11101)

Exhibition Venue|Culture Lab LIC-Gallery 2-3, Theater (5-25 46th Avenue, Long Island City, New York, NY 11101)





