KOHA 免費展覽|台中|大雋藝術 Rich Art Gallery《國際當代藝術家聯展》

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2023年七月,大雋藝術很榮幸攜手跨越四個世代與文化界限的當代藝術家群,呈獻其2023最新創作,包括妮基・海爾(Niki Hare/英國)、茲德涅克・康芙娜(Zdenek Konvalina/捷克)、杰弗里・布約(Geoffrey Bouillot/法國)與智敉譽(Jimere/韓國)。
Joie de vivre用以表達「熱愛生活本身」的一種歡愉處世態度,儘管擁有不同人生階段及經驗版圖,他們懷抱對生命的熱情與覺察,將個人內我的意念投射,化為鮮明的視覺符碼,濃縮於方寸之間,交織著愉悅、明亮、想像力,連串新的思考模式與對話,引領觀者感受不同人生階段的藝術家,透過創作和盤托出的溫度與思量。大暑至秋將到,7月22日至9月16日邀你入館享受靜心沁脾的美好時光!
In July 2023, Rich Art is honored to collaborate with four contemporary artists spanning different generations and cultural dimensions, namely Niki Hare (UK), Zdenek Konvalina (The Czech Republic), Geoffrey Bouillot, and Jimere.
“Joie de vivre” is a French saying used to express a playful “love for life.” Despite the different chapters and experiences of life, the will of individuals is projected as distinctive visual expressions through love and awareness toward life, translated into condensed manifestations that are interwoven with feelings of joy, brightness, and imagination, weaving into new mindsets and dialogues that guide viewers to savor the different stages of life, which, in the hands of artists, are interpreted through warmth and thoughtfulness. The exhibition is on view between July 22 and September 16, during the summer and autumn; join us to experience the joy of serenity!


展期|2023/07/22 (六) – 2023/09/16 (六)






大雋藝術 Rich Art 於2015年11月在台中成立,進用英雋,是大雋藝術的核心價值,我們期望與藝術家齊足並馳共織理念,挖掘、培養優秀的藝術人才,為其建立良好、完善的經紀制度,並提供藝術家多元交流的平台,協心將「雋永」的當代藝術作品推廣至世人之前。

Rich Art Gallery was established in Nov. 2015 in Taichung, Taiwan. Hiring a person of outstanding abilities is at the core of Rich Art Gallery’s values. We expect good collaboration with the artists while creating harmonious concepts. Committed to searching and cultivating outstanding artists in the field of contemporary art, establishing a good and complete managing system for them, providing a diverse platform between artists, and working together to promote the most valuable contemporary artworks to the world.


Rich Art is officially open on April 2016. Our team incorporates professional art gallery management, senior international curation and image marketing talents, art and a professional design division. We use diversified business philosophy to grasp the context of the art market and promotes trends of contemporary art, and that aims to achieve sustainable development. In addition to regularly organizing artists’ creations and publications. We also actively participate in international art fairs and promote contemporary art at an international level.We are always working toward building a diversified and international gallery.

T +886-4-2382-3786
F +886-4-2382-3783
E dajungallery@gmail.com
11:00 – 19:00 (週一休館Mon. closed)
No. 489, Huiwen Rd., Nantun Dist.,Taichung City 408, Taiwan(R.O.C)

Rich Art is announcing the official opening of Rich Art Plus on January 1st, 2020. Situated on the riverside of Dalong Road, Xitun District, Taichung, Rich Art Plus is right next to Taichung City Hall Station, at the intersection of the blue and green line of Taichung Metro, an incredibly convenient location. The building is 10 meters tall, with up to 909 square meters of indoor space. The interior includes luxury cafés and allows a variety of display methods. There are also nearly 20 fixed and mobile event display walls, showcasing the works of over ten renowned artists from Taiwan and abroad. The display will be changed on an irregular basis, presenting viewers with different sensations. We hope that this new art hub in Taichung will become a breakthrough among the existing gallery management methods in Taiwan and bring pleasing experiences to viewers.

T +886-4-2310-7515
F +886-4-2310-7517
E dajungallery@gmail.com
11:00 – 19:00 (週一休館Mon. closed)
No. 154, Dalong Rd., Xitun Dist., Taichung City 407, Taiwan(R.O.C)


