
PeaceandBrilliance Ruo ChiChangInkPaintingSoloExhibition poster








The Aesthetics of Simplicity and Beauty
Upon entering the “Peace and Brilliance─Ruo-Chi Chang Ink Painting Solo Exhibition,” the pressures of work and the noise of the crowd are instantly cast aside, reaching a state of serene tranquility—an enchanting quality of Ruo-Chi Chang’s artworks. Surprisingly, this power emanates from the simple lines and color blocks within her creations. When your gaze falls upon a particular piece, it continuously draws you closer, guiding you into another dimension through abstract imagery.

This alternate dimension could be from any time and place, perhaps the era of Emperor Huizong of the Song Dynasty. Imagining the simplicity of Ru Kilns with clean shapes and glazes resembling a rain-washed sky, or the pure and immaculate glazes of Ding Kilns forming elusive patterns, one can picture hanging a Ruo-Chi’s artwork on the wall, lighting incense, brewing a cup of tea, and sitting down to read a book—recreating the lifestyle of the literati in the Song Dynasty.

“Peace and Brilliance” aims to convey precisely this subtle elegance, using the outwardly simple and unadorned art to communicate rich inner qualities. Similar to the Japanese tea master Sen no Rikyū advocating the abandonment of extravagant tea ceremonies in favor of simple rustic utensils in a thatched cottage, participants must disarm and crawl through the tea room’s entrance, transcending societal status to experience the most direct dialogue between individuals and tea. While modern life may not afford us an original thatched cottage tea room, experiencing Ruo-Chi Chang’s simple yet abstract works brings about a sense of wabi-sabi.

Gazing at Ruochi’s creations can induce a meditative state. Despite being abstract, the detailed examination of the artwork feels like wandering through mountains and forests, immersed in misty landscapes reminiscent of viewing a National Treasure like “Pine Forest” by Hasegawa Tōhaku.

This kind of mental and spiritual cultivation, akin to Zen meditation, is infused with Eastern philosophical thoughts in Ruo-Chi’s works. Regardless of how modern the form may be, the artworks on paper are a continuation of traditional ink painting, incorporating a thousand years of Eastern thinking. Ruo-Chi’s formless abstract paintings, much like the abstract “Immortal in Splashed Ink” by Liang Kai in the National Palace Museum, offer viewers a deeper understanding of life.

The saying “Tea and Zen are of one taste” suggests that everything around us can help us experience life. Let us, through Ruo-Chi Chang’s artworks, journey through ancient and modern times, cultivate our character, and enter into another realm!







The Interplay of Light and Clouds

The solo exhibition “Peace and Brilliance─Ruo-Chi Chang Ink Painting Solo Exhibition” explores the representation of dimensions in time and space, contemplating the interconnectedness between individuals and nature. Stemming from the soliloquy of the inner self, it seeks to evoke the hidden truths within, leaving behind the warmth of memories with each stroke.

This series of artworks combines the Zen aesthetics of Eastern ink painting with the modernist aesthetics of the Western world, disassociating from concrete images to delve into the perception beyond physical forms. Utilizing shades of black, gray, and white to express abstract visual vocabulary, the use of straight lines and geometric proportions in the artwork enhances spatial dynamics. The deliberate use of blank spaces in the composition represents the unspoken meanings retained by the artist, revealing the richness and depth of the inner psyche in the interplay between the real and the abstract.

“Peace” refers to the fleeting nature of time and the impermanence of all things in the memory. I gather the sedimentation of thoughts, sensing the trajectory of emotions under the passage of “Time and Space.”

Exploring the origin of the inner self through the dimension of time, recording the moment of stillness through linear, geometric cuts, and the emptiness of space.

The use of ink as a medium has been a steadfast principle in the artist’s many years of creation, utilizing the lightness and warmth of rice paper to preserve the subtle changes of ink. The “Peace and Brilliance” series, created from 2017 to 2023, starts from the sedimentation of the artist’s inner self, combining the humanistic spirit of the East with modern Western structuralism. It presents a contemporary perspective on ink painting, showcasing different dimensions of time and space through the elements of “Point, Line, Plane, and Body.” This exhibition unfolds the facets of a new era in ink painting.


日期|2024.03.29 – 2024.04.28

時間|週二至週日 10:00 -18:00、週六 10:00 – 21:00(週一休館)

地點|臺南市立美術館 1館1樓展覽室A




       票價             Price 適用對象
For visitors
150 10人以上團體。
Groups of 10 or more.
 100 65歲以上長者。
Senior citizens aged 65 and above.
100 1.外縣市學生憑學生證件購票(含外國籍但社區大學、空中大學、在職進修、學習/語言中心等不適用)。

Students of all nationalities aged 7 and above. (  Students of community college, National OpenUniversity, on-the-job training programme and language learning centre are excluded).


Students of all nationalities of Tainan City. (  Students of community college, National OpenUniversity, on-the-job training programme and language learning centre are excluded)

Tainan Citizens
 100 設籍於臺南市之市民。
Tainan citizens
Free Admission
1.Children aged under 7.
2.Person with a valid handicap certificate and one accompanying person.
3.Low-income households of Tainan City Government.
4.Group tour guides or escorts with certification issued by Bureau of Tourism, Ministry of Communications.
5.Students of Tainan City under senior high school.
6.Citizens of Tainan City aged 65 and above.
7.Members of the International Council of Museums (ICOM).
8.Members of Chinese Association of Museums(CAM).
*Other preferential conditions are mainly announced on the official website.





