KOHA 展覽|臺南市美術館《春源畫室:畫師—詩人—劇作家—承繼者》

Cresendo A1 Copy




臺南作為首屈一指的宮廟之都,除了信仰本身所擴展出的文化傳承與庶民品味之外,獨具地方特色的美感體驗更成為百姓追求認同感與生活雅興的有利渠道。本次「春源畫室:畫師—詩人—劇作家—承繼者」展覽以品牌經營的角度出發,透過潘春源(1891-1972)、潘麗水(1914-1995)、潘瀛洲(1916- 2004)及潘岳雄(1943-)等三代以來橫跨115年的創作風華,一覽身兼民俗畫師與多重身分的跨界藝者們一生豐富多元的創作足跡,藉由豪門望族的宅邸門廳壁畫、廟宇門神彩繪、紙本人物山水畫與相關延伸藝品,使大眾得以更加了解民俗信仰背後的藝術性、商業性與獨特的審美交流趣味。


英文展名係以樂譜中加深樂句節奏感,並使曲調逐步展現生命力的力度記號——「漸強 (Crescendo)」為主題,藉此呼應「春源畫室」家族品牌一世紀以來日趨壯大的精神。本次透過聲音藝術家吳燦政所製作的,帶有音樂性的日常聲響,使觀眾得以透過聽覺想像歷代主人如同跨時空的交響樂手,在齊心拉動事業音弦的過程中,同時秉持誠信、品質、效率與善盡孝道的心而得以延續家業;展覽中亦能窺見過去家族歷經困境之下覓尋轉機與蛻變的堅毅心智,藉由現代角度回探自清末迄今的社會關係網絡與傳承思維。


The present era is one in which folk customs and religious artworks are deeply valued. It is also an era in which people are striving to find stability and a sense of belonging within the flow of history. Where do we come from, and where should we be going? Over the past hundred-or-so years, from within the context of the development of temple craftsmanship, local painters from one generation to the next have passed on their artistry, wielding their brushes, continuously sketching, applying gold, and layering colors. Together, they have paved the roads leading into the future, enriching their Sinological value and imbuing them with contemporary local perspectives.


As the number one city for temples in Taiwan, Tainan not only expands cultural heritage and popular tastes through religious beliefs, but also offers a unique aesthetic experience with local characteristics, making it a favorite place for those seeking a sense of identity and a refined, aesthetic lifestyle. The exhibition Crescendo: Three Generation of Tshun-Guân Art Studio takes a brand-management approach to showcasing the studio’s creative splendor, which spans 115 years and three generations of artists. These artists include Pan Chun-yuan (1891-1972), Pan Li-shui (1914-1995), Pan Ying-chou (1916-2004), and Pan Yueh-hsiung (1943-). This exhibition presents the rich and diverse creative footprints of these interdisciplinary artists, who not only served as folk painters but also had multiple identities. Through the mural paintings in the mansions of prominent families, the colorful depictions of temple gate gods, paper-based figure and landscape paintings, and related extended art pieces, this exhibition allows the public to gain a deeper understanding of the unique artistic, commercial, and aesthetic exchanges that undergird religious folk beliefs.


The English exhibition title is based on the musical notation ‘Crescendo.’ In music, a crescendo deepens the sense of rhythm within a set of musical phrases and gradually reveals the vitality of the melody. This theme echoes the ever-growing spirit of the Tshun-Guân Art Studio family brand over the course of a century. Through the production of sound artist Wu Tsan-cheng, incorporating everyday sounds with musical elements, the audience is invited to imagine the successive owners of the studio as symphony musicians, passing through time, working in harmony and filial piety to keep up the quality and efficiency needed to sustain the family business. The exhibition also offers a glimpse at the resilient mindset of the family in seeking opportunities and undergoing transformation amidst difficulties and hardships, and uses a modern perspective to explore their networks of relationships and inherited ways of thinking from the late Qing Dynasty through to the present day.

Source: 臺南市美術館


日期|2023/06/21 10:00 ~ 2023/11/12 18:00

時間|(二)~(日) 10:00-18:00(週六延長開放時間至21:00)










