Covered Faces, Uncovered Stories 曹圭訓個展

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What are the hidden stories and thoughts of those characters who conceal their faces with their hands?
Could they be reminiscing about the rain at nightfall or breathtaking glimmers of fireworks as every situation narrates emotional moments of love;
a heroic villain or a youngster caught between imagination and reality may be, each one has their own unique fantasies.
Let’s transcend beyond the external sense and break free from the limitation of the physical world to see the universe within our hearts.

Rich Art is very honored to host the Korean artist, Jo Gyuhun’s first solo EXHIBITION in Taiwan. The EXHIBITION will feature Jo Gyuhun’s unique creative vocabulary through various art mediums, including two-dimensional paintings, three-dimensional sculptures, and video installations. From the children’s perspective, the world is like a playground for hide-and-seek. Through their covered eyes, what do they see? What do they intend to express? Every artwork presents a distinctive character’s incomplete face, inviting viewers to use their imagination to discover the simple joy hidden within. This creates the potential for various narrative developments based on different viewers’ viewpoints and emotions, akin to an endlessly engaging guessing game. The EXHIBITION is from September 23rd to December 2nd. We sincerely invite everyone to come and join us on this wondrous journey.

曹圭訓 (조규훈) 1982年出生於韓國仁川,韓瑞大學視覺動畫學士畢業,現居仁川。2015年起作品於首爾、釜山、京畿道、巴黎與上海等地畫廊合作展示,並參展釜山國際藝術博覽會、Seoul Art Show等韓國指標性藝術博覽會,2022年攜手大雋藝術進行在台創作發表計畫。

Born in Incheon, Korea, in 1982, Jo Gyuhun graduated from Hanseo University with a bachelor’s degree in Animation.
He is currently based in his birth city and has showcased his works in galleries across Seoul, Busan, Gyeonggi-do, Paris, and Shanghai since 2015. His artwork has also been featured at prestigious art fairs in Korea, such as the Busan International Art Fair and Seoul Art Show. In 2022, Jo Gyuhun began to work with Rich Art for his artwork exhibitions in Taiwan.


日期|2023-09-23 ~ 2023-12-02

時間|週二~週日 上午11:00 – 晚上7:00





大雋藝術是由資深收藏家轉而經營的畫廊,致力於帶進世界級的藝術品。「大雋」意味優秀、才智出眾、雋永深長以及高峻之峰,因此大雋藝術希望能夠站在美學品牌的高峰上,並給於新興藝術家一個可被看見的舞台,讓更多的收藏家能接觸到更獨特的美學,讓優異的藝術雋永流傳。在滿足收藏家的最大需求之下,以精煉的觀點來呈現不同的美學語言,為大雋藝術的成立理念。 大雋藝術具前瞻性的開拓性思維,將藝術與創新活躍結合在一起。作為一個展示國際級藝術品的美學空間,大雋藝術運用國際突破性的策展方式,並深具世界級主題的展覽,展現獨一無二的藝術美學,引領大眾認識並建立起推動世界級當代藝術的新模式。

我們長期關注世界創新的美學生活,在這個美學空間化為對藝術創作的呈現和展示,為新銳藝術家們建立起展現和交流的國際平台,並積極推動全球藝術美學、建立新的發展模式,擴大新美學的影響力和能見度,突破性的國際展覽策劃和藝術項目,呈現了大雋藝術在當代藝術領域裡的獨特價值。 「大雋藝術」立足台中,放眼世界,致力於國際大師級的藝術以及創新美學,以專業的經歷將國際藝術新思維呈現於台中,並持續不懈地將最具前瞻性及潛力的作品,推薦給全世界熱愛藝術美學的大眾及企業機構。因為真誠,大雋藝術相信每件藝術品都具有打動人心的力量,給予對美學創新的熱愛、勇氣、能量。
