台北|免費展覽|十方藝術空間 GALERIE OVO《陳妍伊個展|蜜蠟時代 The Age of Beeswax》

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而在兩萬多年前的舊石器時代,《維綸多夫的維納斯》是人類雕塑歷史上最早的人體圓雕傑作之一。其象徵的是生育能力,誇張的手法表現了古代人們希望繁殖多產、人丁興旺的思想,是原始社會生殖崇拜的一種體現。維納斯的形象在在都反映出人類對美的一種追求和表現,照應著各個時代下人對美、對欲望、對女性的看法。自維納斯的誕生起,似乎就是一個矛盾而複雜的母體。 我以自身的母體形象為基礎,交棒給蜜蜂一同與我塑造的造形為題,持續發展並加以變形。母體與蜂巢都是孕育生命的場域;母體內的子宮是人類第一個住所,麻雀雖小五臟俱全,它雖然樸質但卻比任何一座建築都高級,能隨著居住者的需求而變化,讓新生命受到層層的保護,胎兒在子宮中發育,依靠胎盤從母體取得營養,彼此相互依存但雙方又能保持相當的獨立性。
新生兒自落地以來,即靠著本能或學習,因著環境的基本樣態發展出不同的個性 或能力。而在此作品中,我亦給予蜜蜂一個經過設定的現有環境,也就是以我不同期程懷胎的身體為型的雕塑,在我的想像中,這機能性高且精密的母體結構就猶如人類外在世界的現狀,然而將一群蜜蜂引入其中生活,就彷彿在經過妊娠後將胎兒產下,無論是新生兒或蜂群都將隨著時間,從觀察、摸索、順應、模仿、複製,逐漸能適應這個嶄新的環境,進而去改變、去創造那個誰也無法預知的未來。

In Roman mythology, Venus, the goddess of love, marriage, and reproduction, controls the growth and fertility of humans and all living beings. In western art history, she stands as the paragon in countless theses concerning women. In “The Symposium,” Plato stated that the Venus in heaven is a symbol of the sacred, spiritual, and ideal sense of beauty, whereas the Venus on earth stands as a symbol of beauty that is profane, emotional, and sensual.
More than twenty thousand years ago in the Paleolithic Age, Venus of Willendorf, the earliest human statue in the record of the history of sculpture in the round, was created. As a symbol of fertility, the exaggerated manner of expression portrays the ancient society’s hope for thriving harvests and population, and directs to a form of fertility worship in certain primitive societies. Again and again, the image of Venus has reflected the human pursuit of beauty. The various art expressions not only reveal the perceptions of which an era held towards beauty, but also towards sexual desires and women. Ever since the birth of Venus, the figure has inevitably led towards a complex and paradoxical motif.
With my own maternal body as the foundation of the artwork, I passed the torch on to the bees, who serve as co-creators to expand and mutate the piece. Both the maternal body and hives are places that nurture life. The uterus is a human’s first abode, small, but complete in every way. In its simplicity, its function outshines all high-end architectures in the world. It not only mutates according to its dweller’s need, but also protects a new life with layers of protections. In a uterus, a fetus grows with nutrients from the placenta. Though interdependent, the fetus and placenta remain relatively independent regardless of their tight connection.
Bees are great architects in nature. They build highly encapsulated hives to live in and to reproduce their offsprings. At the same time, hives are also where they store food including honey and pollen. Both the uterus and the hive are sacred installations and carriers that bear the mission of nurturing offspring.
With the impact of globalization, the external world has been focusing on efficiency and the things that propel the contemporary world at high speed. Ten months of pregnancy is almost a luxury with its lengthy duration. The pregnancy process is nearly surreal, profound, and mystic. The journey that is heartwarming, slow, and elegant, is also filled with worries, anxieties, and uncertainty. This brought together the human imagination and nature side of me. From there, I started the idea of exploring the relationship between human, art, and nature.
From the moment a baby is born, personality and capability slowly tag along through instincts and learning under the conditions given in an environment. In this artwork, I gave the bees a set of given environments, which I sculpted according to different stages of pregnancy. In my imagination, this highly functional and delicate maternal body structure is like the status quo of the outside world. Putting the bees in there to live is almost like setting them in a pregnancy process all the way to delivery. Both human babies and bees will adapt to this brand new environment as time goes by. Through observation, exploration, adaptation, imitation, and duplication, life forms not only fit in, but also change and create a future that no one can foresee.
On top of the maternal body is a model of a highly concentrated modern factory covered by countless high-tech digital components. It is like a micro model of a world factory in ruin. From the digital age to the age of AI, the possibility for innovation keeps expanding. As the bees swarm into the brand new world, a symbol of modern civilization, it is mere irony for humans to flag their advanced technology with the attempt to infiltrate and deepen the need of technology in nature. By unfolding the beauty and sadness of a technological civilization through the surreal imagination, there lies a hope to point out the impact a high-tech world has on the harmony of nature.


蜜蠟時代 The Age of Beeswax
陳妍伊個展 Solo Exhibition of Yen-Yi Chen
2023.08.10(Thu.) – 08.31(Thu.)
Venue: B1., No.94., Chaozhou St., Da’an Dist., Taipei City

十方藝術空間GALERIE OVO於2014年成立於台北,旨在提供一個藝術交流平台。

「十方」二字重疊起來就是一畝「田」象徵著孕育出靈感的養分,也是解釋東方哲學裡種什麼瓜得什麼果的因果關係,而英文取名為 OVO 則意指拉丁文的字根「ab ovo」為開始,「The Origin」的意思,方形加上圓形更是呼應文人思想裡天圓地方的宇宙觀。我們自許能成為一個能提供藝術家、收藏家及所有觀者一個悠遊於藝術世界的一天地。十方藝術空間重視與亞洲各區藝術家對話、合作,展出創作媒材包含繪畫、雕塑、裝置跟錄影新媒體藝術。


GALERIE OVO, located in the center of Taipei, is established in 2014. We are devoted to exhibitions of established and emerging artists who represent Asian art at its best. The name of the gallery: “OVO” means “the Origin” in Latin, this is us pursuing to become the effective medium where art and people meet. The gallery also devoted taking on different forms of art projects and non-profit ventures



開放時間|(三)-(六) 11:00-17:30
     (日) 僅開放預約參觀

#十方藝術空間 #免費展覽
